Top 10 Music for 2022

2022 in Music

I’m going to copy the first sentence from last years music post as it pretty much still stands… again.

If there’s anything that can possibly lift one’s spirits during the shit show that was 2022, it’s music (and beer). This here’s my yearly rundown of the top 10 new music I thought was worth listening to. As usual, it doesn’t necessarily mean NEW as in just released, just “new” to me.

It’s been a very angry year for me, musically. Most of the things I was really into was aggressive, dark, and maybe a little cathartic? Still trying to cope with the changes wrought by the last two years of madness, I guess. Barring “Bad List” by Ayria, these selections go from heavy metal and industrial/techno to straight up deathcore. Not that everything I listened to was angry. I have a personal playlist called “Eclectic Happy Taproom Playlist” that gets quite a few compliment when I’m the shift lead at the taproom.

Also, on another positive side, I get to see two of these bands live in my hometown this year (Mastadon and Lorna Shore), so there is that!

Well, for what it’s worth, here’s what I found and listened to most during 2022.

Arch Enemy

Arch Enemy has been around a while and they started to appear on my radar about 4 years ago. This was as I was getting into the power/death metal category. It seemed to me there were many female fronted bands but the vocals tended to lack something. Passion? Intensity? Rawness? A pretty face with shallow talent? It seems that the newest vocalist, Alissa White-Gluz, has changed that for me and Arch Angel.

I initially wanted to compare her with Brittney Slays from Unleash the Archers, but I felt Brittney vocals we’re much more polished, and frankly, sounded more interesting. Might be attributable to her operatic training. Alissa’s vocals are more gritty and growlcore in nature, though she does have a fairly strong, clean belt when she chooses to use it.

While UtA is very much in the powermetal camp, Arch Enemy seems closer to the death metal (vocally) and speed/heavy metal (instrumentally). This particular track gives me a lot of Judas Priest vibes circa Ram It Down (1988) and Rob Halford’s Ressurection (2000) album with a sprinkle of Butcher Babies (any year). A goodly amount of variety in this song to make it interesting and doesn’t come off as gimmicky.

Handshake in Hell


It just goes to show you – there is always something you missed… Case in point, Angelspit.

I think this one is the “oldest” finds on my list. Another band I was aware of peripherally, but never explored them deeper back in the day. Industrial goth dance is about the closest I can get to a description. I’m into all of those so this one headed to my heavy rotation list. Basically a song about getting your heart cut out…

Vena Cava


I heard this song long before I saw the video or knew it was from the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie (never saw it). I was head bangin’ along with the Pantera-like rhythms, and then…. “King Diamond!!!! Holy Crap!”. Though, it’s not really him, it’s the drummer Brann Dailor, who does a pretty damn good knock off of the Merciful Fate singer! Just good, honest, not taking yourself too seriously, fun.

And let’s be honest – who here hasn’t thought most of this at some point in your theater going experience?

The real fun starts at 1:00.

Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife</4>


Infectious industrial synthpop dance music. No apologizes.

Bad List

Orbit Culture

My first deathcore listing for 2022. After Lorna Shore’s debut listing from last year, I was inclined to investigate more of the genre and was happy to find a few more groups worth noting – Orbit Culture being one of those.

A mix of Metallica, Trepenom Pal (remember them?), Five Finger Death Punch, Gojira, Lorna Shore… More heavy metal, less deathcore – radio ready growl/deathcore. Very anthemic with the “Get out!!” chant, can’t help but pump your fist to it. Keep one hand on the wheel though!



I originally heard Spiritbox while exploring Ginger (Pisces) a couple years back and wasn’t too interested. Similar to my second look at Arch Enemy, I was much more inclined to give Spiritbox a deeper dive and am happier for it. Death metal, screamcore, what ever you want to call it, an awesome mix of beauty and terror as all of the sounds come out of the same person.

What I find most interesting is watching her doing live takes of her growl/scream vocals. She pretty much looks like she does in this video while wearing the fairy/hippie flower girl outfit. No strain or stress showing on her face. This means she’s able to achieve the vocals in a healthy way and not damage herself getting there.

Holy Roller

Wage War

There’s a certain category of music I like to call “Godzilla Stomper”. The slow build, leading to a huge drop with a release of pent up aggression. Makes me want to stomp around to the music like the aforementioned radioactive reptile. Raw, emotional, and a bit terrifying (in his own mind), you can feel the anguish as he shouts with everything he’s got, wondering if he’s going insane.


Lorna Shore

This is my “End of last year, merging into the new year” category/band. Still diggin’ everything this group is doing. Moving on from the live performance videos, the concept of sleep dream paralysis is given an extra terrifying edge.

Nightmare fuel.

Into the Earth

Slaughter to Prevail

Another death metal/growlcore band, this one out of Russia. I’m featuring two here: Alex Terrible (lead singer) has a lot of options with his vocals but focuses on gutterals abd screams in this first one. My introduction to this very talented and terrifying band. I’ve read interviews with people who have attended their shows and they’ve attested that when when they do the drop and Alex shouts out “Demolition” with out the mic, he can be heard across the performance hall. Amazing.


I featured Mick Gordon’s BFG Division a few years ago – from one of the best video game soundtracks ever – Doom Eternal. Alex went and wrote lyrics and covered in what can only be described as Awe Inspiring Intimidation. Rumor has it that Alex and Mick are possibly in cahoots to record a few things together in the future. If so, you will most likely see them featured here.



Top 10 Music for 2022


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